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  1. L

    Name 3-4 kettlebell exercises for 30mins

    @ronlin Clean and Press, Clean and Push Press, Clean and Jerk, Snatch, Swing. Pick one or two and work them for a month, maybe more.
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    Anti-Glycolytic Training

    @cysterinchrist I love it. Easy on the body, gets the heart pumping and spares my knees. Using a single bell C&J for my sessions.
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    Would you consider 6-8kg to heavy for a 12yr old boy?

    @rainadavis My 6yo grandson was lifting my 16kg bell off the floor. Pretty sure a 6-8kg bell will be fine for a 12 year old. Maybe 10-12kg.
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    Would you consider 6-8kg to heavy for a 12yr old boy?

    @rainadavis My 6yo grandson was lifting my 16kg bell off the floor. Pretty sure a 6-8kg bell will be fine for a 12 year old. Maybe 10-12kg.
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    Looking for a program advice for distance runners

    @qwertqw Yes, you can. Here’s a link to the beginner program. Very simple program once you’ve determined your starting bell weight.
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    Looking for a program advice for distance runners

    @qwertqw Have you looked into the Quick and the Dead (Q&D) Program? Aerobic + Anti-glycolitic (A+A) training? Look for the book on Amazon or wherever. There are 2 Q&D protocols: 1) swings and push-ups or 2) snatches. Pavel does say this is for advanced athletes so this might be where you fit...
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    Double kettlebell front squat 40kg 7 reps 2 sets at almost 54 yr old

    @bernard05 A). Are we talking about double 40kg bells, totaling 80kg? B). Or double 20kg bells, totally 40kg? If A, then I’m impressed. If B, that’s not terribly impressive.
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    Dragon Door KB experience

    @lois2013 I hope my experience was an outlier.
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    Dragon Door KB experience

    @lois2013 I consider myself to be somewhat collateral damage when it comes to the DuCane/Tsatsouline split. I made a polite comment on the DD forum after I read they had parted ways that I would follow Pavel wherever he went. I had no idea at the time as to the acrimony that apparently led to...