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  1. E

    How do you get 100+ grams of protein per day?

    @jszy04 Fair enough. You might see some progress in that case. But you'll hit a point fairly soon where you need to do one or the other.
  2. E

    How do you get 100+ grams of protein per day?

    @jszy04 Not related to protein. But unless you are very new to training you're not going to get far with recomposition. You need to lose fat first and then gain muscle, which is going to require a little fat gain. Chasing recomposition is goung to be a disappointing route.
  3. E

    Trying to get Vegan but doing at the same Time Combat Sport.Can it realistcly really work?

    @mksjdb Just to add to the commenter who recommended watching game changers. It's a documentary made by an mma guy who went vegan. They follow a bunch of professional athletes and answer all of the questions that you have. It was made to address your exact concerns. It's on netflix