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    What do you guys do for drinks

    @rnstaplesattnet Water. Ice tea (unsweetened)
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    Looking for advice: mixing running and lifting

    @nausicaa I took another look at your running. I think 100 yard/meter sprints are not optimal for making gains on 5K, 10K runs. Let me recommend instead that you devote one run per week to the track- doing repeat 440 or 880 repeats at the same pace you are targeting for your 5Ks or 10Ks. A 21...
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @maxmanroe You just keep at it man. Sadly my shoulder doesn’t let me do the pressing you do, but you have 20 years more for gains before reaching when I’m at.
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    Looking for advice: mixing running and lifting

    @nausicaa Feel free to send a DM if you have specific questions or want more info. I know I rambled a bit. But I really relate to your situation and goals. I have some recent posts if you want to check me out
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @maxmanroe I think this is BS. I'm 67 years old, 5'11, 175lbs. You can check my posts. This past week I did sets of 3-5 at 275 lbs for squats and 295 for deadlifts. Does that count as heavy? And for the record, only supplement I take is creatine. And I've never had any joint or muscle injuries...
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    Looking for advice: mixing running and lifting

    @nausicaa I pretty much ran every day from high school till my mid-50s (about 10 years ago). Been in and out of the gym all that time as well. Want to first congratulate you on your stats - your 1RMs on major lifts as well as running distances and times. And dude - with your size your running...
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    Strength training vs running for fat loss?

    @ivymeow Great reference! Thx
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    Strength training vs running for fat loss?

    @pero I’m 67 years old - over 50 years as a distance runner/marathoner and now 5x weekly gym goer. I think you should do what you can to work both strength training and cardiovascular activity into your usual routine. Older studies emphasized the value of cardiovascular fitness on long term...
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    Anyone here bulking in their late 30's/40's? How did it go?

    @montexss I'm about to turn 67, 5'11. Last year I decided WTF and started a bulk. Went from about 174 to 194 lbs over 3 months. Looked really swole and got strong AF, but started to be uncomfortable with the belly. So I cut down to about 168. Can't say I gained lbs and lbs of muscle, but I...