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  1. G

    IMO, the sub name has to be changed. 90% of the posts here are in the wrong sub

    @alephnull No, I totally switched my diet so the only relevant for me is r/WFPB sub. My engineering background thought me if in trouble always go back to fundamentals. So first i noticed we all focus to much on macro nutrients while we can feel hungry for micro nutrients, which we regularly...
  2. G

    IMO, the sub name has to be changed. 90% of the posts here are in the wrong sub

    @alephnull Yeah, only the losit sub became a feel good sub on which anyone who dares to say that one needs to eat a bit less to lose weight is instantly downvoted. No practical real world advice could be given or taken there any more.
  3. G

    Golfer’s Elbow: why won’t you quit me?!

    @praen4you It might help you if you know what's actually happening with the injured tendon. Often injury by overuse is not large enough to stimulate proper collagen repair so the new tissue grows disoriented and become entangled with the nerves running through the tendon. This tags on the nerves...
  4. G

    Barely progressing despite doing everything right?

    @440281/ At this rate you would double your strength in 2 years. I don't see that as "barely improving". Just saying. /grin Regarding pullups: between 0 and 1 can be a huge strength gap. You need to do band or machine assisted pullups in 10-12 rep range to see exactly where your...