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  1. W

    After Almost 2 years I admit defeat.. I don't know what to do anymore

    @nebula1 Second this, I don’t like to boast but I have very good upper body strength compared to most women, and it is something I’m proud of. And it’s because I used to have a trainer who really, really me to curling with the 20-25 pound weights, he pushed me to the heavier tricep push downs...
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    After Almost 2 years I admit defeat.. I don't know what to do anymore

    @evnwlsn Yeah. It’s frustrating trying to navigate this stuff. I do get it I think the reason you’ve received so much of this type of advice is because you’re talking to people who just aren’t seeing what your goals are. When it comes to fitness, and nutrition, people LOVE to impose their...
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    After Almost 2 years I admit defeat.. I don't know what to do anymore

    @evnwlsn At your age, you’re going to start realizing more and more, every day, that the people around you don’t know what the hell they are talking about. Welcome to your 30’s - we spend the majority of our 20’s pretty unsure of ourselves, it’s time to put that in the past I have been...
  4. W

    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus Weight loss and weight management are a big reason why I exercise, but here are some of the other reasons I do it, which eventually made me see exercise as everyday maintenance instead if “just” intervention: I have known way too many people who can’t get through a Disney trip, or a...