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  1. B

    Kettlebell Fanmail

    @beleadnotastray The comment I feared! I only just warmed up with BB squats and deadlifts, and can tell I will need a few sessions before I start pushing it (parts of the form like elbow positioning for squats felt awkward). For now doing hacksquats and press machine actually seemed comparable...
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    Finished DFW today…

    @christiangirl2017 Thanks for asking! Each week I intended to increase my reps in the 30 minute session. With my 5RM bell I was hitting mid 20s on the first week. 30 reps on week 2, and ended around 33-34 for the third week. I had looked up the same question myself and saw some people hitting...
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    Finished DFW today…

    @premier3092 Good question! I think I’ll repeat RoP with the 24 now that my reps are around 5-7 with that. Want to continue doing leg work though, so probably incorporate split squats alongside it!
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    Finished DFW today…

    4 weeks ago my C&P RM for 22kg was 5. I had been already working on C&P through other programs so my technique was decent already. 4 weeks later after finishing DFW (with plenty of other accessories), I’m testing my one handed C&P, hoping in add a few reps to my max, and landed 10 solid presses...
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    Kettlebell Fanmail

    @theleapofaith I didn’t want to be cliche but I think you’re right! Makes me feel good about deciding to commit with the kettlebells!
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    Kettlebell Fanmail

    @witness1 Glad to share!
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    Kettlebell Fanmail

    The majority of my exercise over the last year has been focused on KB overhead press. I picked up a barbell today for the first time since 2021. At that time I’d been working specifically on the big 4 power lifts (bench, overhead, squat, DL). Out of all of these, I expected my bench press to...
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    Only S&S?

    @joellemarie197 I loved sticking with S&S for most of the time I was in PA school. To your point, overthinking opens up “no workout” as an option. Having a single workout that takes about half an hour, involves a good amount of cardio, and drills in some skilled movement, can be useful. If...
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    Revise weight jumps on S&S

    @climpah If the 8kg jump in weight is too difficult, put the kettlebell in a triangle choke until it submits to your will. Really sounds like a tough weekly regimen you have going! To answer your specific question, I think either jumping 8kg or 4kg are both valid. But I personally went from...