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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc It is not meant to be a standalone program. It's quite literally gpp work for athletes and is stated in the book. You are doing great - keep pursuing the path you've set up. Maybe even start trying out clean and press and doubles
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    No joke post

    @danield93 Seems fine but I'd build up to all the first. Maybe half or even a quarter of everything you're listinghere & just randomly go a bit closer to 100% of the workout you're writing here when you're feeling good. A day you're not feeling good is 30% of the work or even a rest day for...
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    Buying 2 x 20kg kettlebells ?

    @sujiro Doubles are by far the best way to spend your time with kettlebells. Singles are a detour - get to doubles ASAP
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    Best Plate Loaded Pin for 2 Hand KB Swings?

    @jesuslover57 Nifty guide on how to make a cheap & effective plate loadable handle here This works. I promise it does!
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    High Blood Pressure from KB’s

    @jekyll Plz listen to this guy he is almost a doctor
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    Clean&Press vs DC&J

    @quez I believe you’ll benefit from it. @rabbie77 KBOMG is also legendary here.
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    Managing KB workouts and the gym?

    @proudsoccermom You can Def just follow a traditional strength program & replace movements with the bells. I flip between gym & homework outs all the time. Just know what movement the program has written & if you wanna do a kb move instead, flip it with a similar kb variation. For instance...
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    Clean&Press vs DC&J

    @quez They are both great. The Press requires more absolute strength, the Jerk is a more explosive movement. If you're talking about the Girevoy Sport Long Cycle when you say clean & jerk, you have the ability to do the movement for a really long time which is cool. I'm not really sure what's...
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    Waving Density: Turn any complex into a conditioning program

    @hunter101 What a fantastic post
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    what does the community think of exercises like these?

    @b5268 They all are fine - generally speaking a program will be better in the long run though. If you have specific goals - programs that reflect that will generally be efficient than random IG workouts. The random workout can be fun though haha
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    Doing my own things for a month- thoughts?

    @paul1771 You're great. Execute the plan, hit it hard and if it's working there's no reason this only needs to be a 1 month long project.
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    Resuming Simple and Sinister after a layoff

    @blesstafy If you know what you're doing, swings are fine. They're just not the best spend of time if you wanna get bigger or stronger. Clean & presses would take you much further. Or snatches. Or thrusters
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    Resuming Simple and Sinister after a layoff

    @blesstafy Honestly, you may be looking for reasons more than what s&s can accomplish. But yeah you'll get back there quickly. Love mace training myself
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    New and lost

    @wakemantk Very well said
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    Is Kattlebell Swing a Resistance training or a Cardio?

    @wakemantk I'm generally game for any challenge offered me on this subreddit. And if you assessed it to me in a better context I likely would take it. But I see little purpose in engaging with someone that flies off the handle over an otherwise civil conversation. I didn't downvote you. I don't...
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    Resuming Simple and Sinister after a layoff

    @blesstafy Have you addressed any of the technique issues that may have caused the strain? Or considered that if a program consisting of 100 unbroken swings hurt your back bad enough for 9 months away from bells, that maybe something else may be more effective for you? Regardless, yes, it's...
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    Is Kattlebell Swing a Resistance training or a Cardio?

    @yochanagrace Lolz thanks for the tag. This all started because I said that kettlebells work for conditioning but not as efficiently as monostructural work Taking a small reddit break cause I'm doing some business stuff but getting this tag was a highlight to my morning. Can't believe it's...
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    Would you consider 6-8kg to heavy for a 12yr old boy?

    @rainadavis Not at all. I've taught plenty of students how to use Kettlebells & have had 10 year Olds swinging as heavy as 20kg so long as they knew what they were doing. Pistol Squats and push ups too. Kids are amazing sponges - they will naturally push themselves towards excellence. It's great.
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    S&S - how long did it take you to do the 100 swings in 5 min w/ 24 kg?

    @soldierofgod1988 Potentially but honestly at the level of strength he's at, strength gains should come very fast with proper eating. Sleep of course is a factor but you can Def just out eat bad sleep as a beginner. Then you get stronger & you still kinda can but your body hurts & progress slows...
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    How to track progress?

    @ivymeow It's a bit tough to keep up with all the numbers being thrown around, but a couple notes on programming: So long as you're on good programming, rest assured progression is a part of the program, so in a sense, so long as you do what the program says, you'll likely progress. There are...