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  1. F

    What motivates you to workout? [x-post from /r/fitness)

    @dawn16 This is definitely me.
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    What motivates you to workout? [x-post from /r/fitness)

    @gem4him Similar reasons for me. Feels great to look better than most everyone else my age. I also have a 7 year old who I want to set a positive fitness example for.
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    UPDATE on question about recovery

    @fedya Great to hear! Keep the gains coming!
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    [FORM CHECK] (Cross post from r/fitness.) Please can you help me ...desperate to squat injury free !

    @rnenow67 I would try widening your stance/feet by about 3 inches on EACH side. You look like you have longer legs than your stance is set up for.
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    Squat form check please

    @fredg61 I low bar squat, and I do better when I look up. I don't mean arch your whole head up abnormally, though. Looking up is a good cue (for me, at least) to keep your chest up, especially coming out of the hole. I'm not a competitive lifter, though. I just try to train like one.
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    Squat form check please

    @dawn16 Part of the trouble with that kind of power cage though, is sometimes you can't actually reach depth if the bars aren't adjustable. I'd personally struggle to make depth (I think) using static bars like that. I feel most comfortable with adjustable bars, and I put them 4 or 5 notches...
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    34M - multiple injuries and getting back on the wagon - 5/3/1 or 8/6/3?

    @markusdrury I would do 8/6/3 if that's the format you want.
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    5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets

    @timhieuvetrello This is a great post, and as someone who will be beginning 531 in the next month or two, is a great read for me. Thanks!
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    Can't seem to increase that squat 1rm? Pistols

    @dawn16 Cool, I am definitely going to give this some thought. Right now I'm doing front leg extensions (quad) and I'm happy enough with those, but still... Maybe I'll do it on days when I know no one else needs the rack (one power rack only, and a lolsmith machine). Thank you for the insight...
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    Can't seem to increase that squat 1rm? Pistols

    @dawn16 What rep/weight range relative to your back squat?
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    Can't seem to increase that squat 1rm? Pistols

    @carlitg My last warmup set is usually 25-30 pounds less, and I typically do a nice and easy double. I do wonder if I warmup wrong, though, sometimes.
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    Can't seem to increase that squat 1rm? Pistols

    @dawn16 I find that there isn't enough volume for squatting in 531. Again, this is just a personal thing, but I seem to squat better with more volume in the way of sets. I'm doing 5x5 again with my squats, and without fail my 4th and 5th sets are easier than my second and first. The weight just...
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    [Progress, x-post /r/fitness] M/43, 6'6", pectus & fake hips, 1 year progress. Weight 200->215, bench 70->215

    @meredithhww the other problem with dumbbells is after a certain point you start limiting range of motion due to them being too large. Once you get past full sets of dumbbells at 100lbs, you REALLY are better served switching to benching heavy with a barbell.