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  1. G

    Is this accurate or making sense? Weight loss v strength training to eat more. What to do

    @irishamerican4christ Best way to find out is say go to 1800 calories for 1-2 weeks and track your steps and weights and go with your weekly averge on your weight. After the 2 weeks you will have a solid idea of what your calorie intake is... say you keep about same weight in those 2 weeks, you...
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    16 Months to get a revenge body

    @aspatat Look up fat loss made simple by dr mike israetel on youtube. Great info on rp channel from nutrition to workouts. 16 months is a long time and you can make a noticeable appearance change in that time. Best of luck
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    When I gain muscle, I gain fat, and when I lose fat, I lose muscle. This is BS

    @aranyi_zsolt This is the one answer you are lookung for OP. People say just bulk/cut but they forget about maintenance phases you can only train so hard for so long until you need a deload week or active rest phase or maintenance phase otherwise you are training hard enough or not enough volume.
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    Should I eat 60g of protein or 259g?

    @nowhereman 1g per pound of bodyweight. Simple
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    I don’t know wtf I’m doing

    @joyfullyobey The problem is that you dont know how to diet. Problem is you dont know what to ear i had a simialr problem where i knew the 'bad things' not to eat but i didn't know what to eat... give this a watch i think it will help you a lot...
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    Advice for Weightloss

    @exabus2 This is the way! I would also suggest to increase your daily activity start with 8k-10k steps daily and if you do all he said ☝ youll lose pounds in no time.
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    Ideal Weight

    Yesterday at work one of my coworkers asked to weight myself i was 235 he then weight himself and was 220 and was like how tf do you like skinnier if you are 15 pounds heavier? He has a beer belly and im far from skinny but i guess i do like 'skininier' than him. We about the same height. So...
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    Ideal Weight

    @cscotte Dr mike is the goat. His youtube chamnel is a gem and his analogies are 😘🤌
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    Feeling like a loser

    @previouslyseeking Give this a watch, i think it will help you out a lot
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    Rate my Workout

    @minhducyahoo Its all good, if you are barely starting its more important to focus on your tecnique and to build a habit. Try not to burn out at the beginning, a lot of people try to do 5-6 days a week and they burnout in 2-3 weeks. 2-4 days a week will get you great results. If you have limited...
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    Rate my Workout

    @minhducyahoo 3/10. The only thing that saves is that you are doing progressing on weights week to week.