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  1. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @jluponeage I've incorporated the supersetted squats only recently, previously it was just calves on their own. It's grueling while doing it, but the next day I'm fine I guess. Especially on the second leg day, where there is a rest day in between, it's like leg day never happened hahaha.
  2. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @overcoming1 That's some great tips! Thanks, I'll try to incorporate them into this routine.
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @overcoming1 Yes, I'm doing a PPLPPLR.
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @dawn16 You mean 5 sets in total for the whole day? How do you fit the entire leg training routine in just 5 sets? Could you share your leg day here? As for the protein and sleep, I try to get plenty of them both :)
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @carolus Thanks, I'll look into it. Funny thing is, I was not enjoying tricep kickbacks that much anyway hahaha.
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @carolus I do them with a dumbbell. The thing is, I only have access to a barbell and dumbbells. What other tricep exercise would you recommend?
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @533th3r May I DM you for some questions?
  8. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @533th3r Initially, I was doing only the calf raises without the extra squats, though I wasn't noticing any significant quads hypertrophy nor was I able to increase the weight on my squats, thus I decided to put some more heavier squats into the mix so as to increase the volume and get stronger...
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @dawn16 That's exactly how I feel hahaha!
  10. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @peterjakeyboy Believe me, if I can throw away those extra 5 sets of squats and still make gains on my quads, I'd do it in a second as it's the exercise I hate the most. But I noticed that I couldn't progress on my squats, while at the same time all other lifts were getting better, so I added...
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @peterjakeyboy It's not that I think it's necessary, but rather the fact that I couldn't progress on my squats, so I figured I wasn't doing enough quad work. To be honest though, squats were killing me before adding the extra 5 sets as well, hahaha.
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @sonicblue08 So you're only doing Squats + Calf Raises on Day 1, and Deadlifts + Calf Raises on Day 2?
  13. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @sonicblue08 Would you mind sharing what do your Leg days look like?
  14. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @dawn16 That seems like a good idea, I might consider doing it!
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    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @dawn16 You may be right in dropping them entirely. Other than that I enjoy them, I feel like they contribute to training my lower back/spinal erectors. Although I believe that this training routine is currently manageable, if I am to lower the volume eventually as the weights go up, dropping...
  16. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    @oregongirl1 I currently have a home gym situation going on so I'm restricted to free weights only. The RDLs on Leg day are for my hams. The RDLs themselves are not so fatiguing, it's the Squats that are killing me. Deadlifts on Pull day are quite fatiguing, yes, but they are two days per week.
  17. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    I am currently on a PPL program that I came up with on my own by reading stuff from here and there. My Leg days are the most difficult/fatigue-inducing, and Pull days come at a quite close second. Push days feel like a breeze compared to the previous two. I was wondering, how do you rank your...