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    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @dfgre6y5t I’m not sure how I feel about that. I do a lot of work and can’t rly focus when I’m hungry
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    Calorie deficit -> Losing muscle mass. Calorie surplus -> Gaining fat. What to do?

    @growingchristian16 Jeff Cavelier at AthleanX be at 3% body fat
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    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @mazin Hmm I’ll try adding longer walks but there’s just only so much I can do bc I have a busy day
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    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @jamila That’s true. Thanks :)
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    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @jamila Thank you. I’ll buy some fruits like apples and grapes and oranges when I hit the grocery store this week. Illl try eating more fruits for snacks.
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    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @jamila Yes that is true. I’m afraid of overeating though because I’ve had a small phase when I used to stress eat. Whenever I get anxious or feel stressed, food feels like an easy way to lessen it. So I’m hesitant to eat when I’m hungry like this.
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    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @dfgre6y5t I get that. But my mind is telling me I’m hungry and my stomach is grumbling. Water doesn’t help at all. I’m not feeling full enough
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    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @jayallen I already hit protein targets daily. Close to 140g which is what I aim for. But I’m hesitant to turn towards getting ok with feeling hungry. I’ve tried that before and I tend to gain weight faster as I lessen my weekly activity rate. That’s bc it AppRently decreases your bodily...
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    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    TL;DR - I’m M21, 195 lb currently, 5’11” and maybe 28% Body fat. Cronometer says to eat 2200 calories a day to maintain a 0.75 lb weight loss per week goal (light activity level of 3-4 days strength training and rest of week is 1-1.5 hrs walking a day). Not sure if I’m eating enough bc I’m...