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    Where to buy cute.. i feel cringe saying this.. “pump covers?”

    @pioneereotcrane Haha this was me too!
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    Vent …. I feel hopeless

    @stevensloan I don’t have any advice because I’m losing weight, but I just wanted to say that just because someone is struggling to lose weight, doesn’t invalidate your struggle to gain weight. I know weight in general has become a sensitive topic, but I think some people have become hyper...
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    Anyone here taking "diet breaks"?

    @conservativechristian So the whole month between semesters at school for me, I ate whatever I wanted and when I wanted and maintained my weight. I stopped trying to lose weight because I was doing a medication change and I knew I would be very lethargic from it. Oddly enough, since I have...
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    Fat loss & Body Recomp with Hashimoto’s

    @csanc Hey if you like that breakfast, then keep that breakfast! A diet is only going to work if you actually like what you’re eating. If you’re not, try switching to a spray oil for your eggs to save on calories. But otherwise that’s a solid breakfast!
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    Fat loss & Body Recomp with Hashimoto’s

    @csanc Hello my fellow hashimotos queen! Hmm I can answer a couple of your questions at least. Fat is great but it is also very calorically dense. I would exchange some of your fat calories for protein calories, and you shouldn’t feel too much of a difference hunger wise. For people like us...
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    Haven’t worked out in 2 1/2 weeks ☹️

    @perviasrectas I feel like this every time I get my period. I am in complete control all the way up until the week before my period and then I lose all self control with food. I’m always scared of how much damage I did but I usually end up weighing less when it’s over. I know you worked so hard...
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    Preparing for my first DEXA scan

    @prayforgaza I just got mine done and I’m going to have my 3rd meeting with my health coach (dietitian/personal trainer) on Monday. Totally worth it. My body is a dumpster fire though, I have such a long way to go, but I’m making changes! My endocrinologist had me do it through her practice to...