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  1. O

    For hypertrophy, would it be a good idea to start heavy at a weight I can do 5-6 reps with until the number gets double digit'd?

    @revbillw That's a basic progress overload scheme. If your goal is hypotrophy I'd start off by perfecting your form. You're most likely progressively cheating more than actually getting stronger (based on your 195 rows for reps contra 30's in hammercurls).
  2. O

    Your take/thoughts on Hard Sets (e.g: 0-2 RIR)

    @theodor98 I push my last set of each exercise to 0 RIR, stopping at 1-2 RIR for the previous sets. Ex. 20 sets of back per week, 4-6 of those are taken to 0 RIR. I used to push harder but I'm progressing a lot better this way, recovering way better.