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  1. E

    [PROGRESS] I was told I should x-post this here from /r/progresspics. 7 months of dirty bulking

    @zeromega Thanks for the tips, it's always reassuring to see someone with good progress who isn't super strict about ultra high protein. I saw an improvement in performance increasing from ~80 to ~130/day so I have been trying to stick with it, but it's so incredibly boring and I am not that...
  2. E

    [PROGRESS] I was told I should x-post this here from /r/progresspics. 7 months of dirty bulking

    @zeromega Not sure if you replied elsewhere, but you'd mentioned you were vegetarian. What are your macro goals within 1200 cals and how do you manage to consume sufficient protein? With 1600 cals to play with, I don't have many issues hitting ~140g, although I do eat fish (rarely). However...
  3. E

    RMR, Caliper, BIA, DEXA, Bod Pod Results: 26 F / 5'6" / 127.8 lbs / 8.9-12.3% BF

    @katzby23 This is very interesting! I would definitely not have estimated you at ~10% and as with your previous post, I would have approximated an extra 5% or so. I think perhaps the most apparent giveaway of the low bf% in the recent photos is the visible abdominal veins which I really only...
  4. E

    [PROGRESS] I was told I should x-post this here from /r/progresspics. 7 months of dirty bulking

    @zeromega How has such a strict cut affected your lift #s? I've been waffling about cutting vs recomping away the 7-10 lbs I want to drop, cutting sure seems a lot faster, but I'm so competitive with myself, I don't know if I have the determination to keep going if my lifts decline substantially...
  5. E

    [PROGRESS] I was told I should x-post this here from /r/progresspics. 7 months of dirty bulking

    @zeromega Awesome, combined with the flex photo it's obvious you are going to be something else when you hit that cut goal. Thanks for sharing.
  6. E

    [PROGRESS] I was told I should x-post this here from /r/progresspics. 7 months of dirty bulking

    @zeromega Would love to see the non-flexed photo if you find you have time today. Not many women end up in the strongfat category so it's not well documented and I'm super curious!
  7. E

    [PROGRESS] I was told I should x-post this here from /r/progresspics. 7 months of dirty bulking

    @zeromega HUGE respect. If I saw you in a gym I'd get all fangirly about your arms.
  8. E

    Things We Can Lift!

    @auwebber23 I got up to 80 bench press this week, too :D yay thank you for all the cool 80 pound stuff!