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  1. H

    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @auxier587 That’s one way to look at it yes. I think the actual decision of how hard to push each set will be individual based on personal preference, the movement and body part in question, and your overall program.
  2. H

    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @auxier587 Id say either performing the movement enough times to become familiar with how your strength drops off or just going to failure. On something like a close grip bench, where for me the difference between 1 RIR and 0 RIR is drastic, I’ve developed a sense over time of what 1 RIR...
  3. H

    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @austin998877 Same here, for me on a lot of back movements I just randomly get stuck and that’s it. On the other hand I’ve had reps on leg extensions take over 10 seconds
  4. H

    Question thread for our AMA with Eric Helms of 3DMJ!

    @jj6211 Thanks so much for the answer and insight!
  5. H

    Question thread for our AMA with Eric Helms of 3DMJ!

    @paparazi257 Thanks for doing this and for all the content over the years! What are your thoughts on auto regulating volume and intensity on a per session basis to manage fatigue instead of a formal deload every X weeks?