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  1. M

    Do you think it’s doable for me to lose 6% of my body fat in 6 weeks?

    @evanea I think it’ll be hard… I think a healthy amount is 2% body fat per month from what I’ve read.
  2. M

    Disappointed: weight loss didn’t equal bf% loss

    @whitab What I’ve been doing is getting a measuring tape + weight. If I weigh the same but drop inches, then I know I’ve lost fat
  3. M

    I hate working out

    @sriram If it helps, during freshman year of college, I went from 120-104. 2 years ago I was at my heaviest at 140, and I decided I need to do something about it. I’m also 4’10. What gave me motivation was the fact that I was able to drop weight before. It may be worth seeing why your previous...
  4. M

    Should I start lifting weights and doing body recomp while I’m still obese or wait until I lose a good portion of the weight?

    @indent You can do both. When you’re overweight, it’s probably more beneficial to start body weight exercises at least. You can be in a caloric deficit while building muscle because of the extra fat storage. You’re right that you probably won’t see results YET. And you’re right about you not...