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    Am I too Old for gains? Muscle and Strength?

    @lucaannibale I started at 47. You are not too old.
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    Fraser tortures fitness blogger

    @eeyore5 Great vid. I also love Will’s discussion vid with Dr. Mike:
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    Recovery Tactics For Busy People Who Train Hard

    @7bjoern7 Don’t forget the thick Gatorade!
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    already dreading tommorow's cringe 9/11 tribute

    @megahunky Troll alert. OP did last year’s 9/11 WOD… but also posted he’s been doing CF for 6 months.
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    Just bought a Concept 2 Model D rower with PM5. Recommended iOS apps?

    @ancientraven Sounds like that’s two votes for ErgData so far. I checked out your Erg Arcade and dig it. I’m geeky and my laptop is OSX so I’ll definitely be trying out some of the stuff on your site. Thanks! Do you host any of your apps on GitHub for feedback and/or merge requests?
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    Just bought a Concept 2 Model D rower with PM5. Recommended iOS apps?

    @terrymoore Thanks. I will give it a try.
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    Just bought a Concept 2 Model D rower with PM5. Recommended iOS apps?

    I see a number of apps on the Concept 2 website that claim to work with the PM5’s Bluetooth connection. Anyone here have any apps they recommend? I bought the rower for two CF-related reasons: 1) I want to be faster in WODs with rowing. 2) I want to increase my overall cardio conditioning to...
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    What’s up with GainsLab (Year of the Engine)? Scared by what I’ve read recently

    Last year, I decided to purchase the much-lauded “Year of the Engine” programming from GainsLab to increase my performance in metcons. Before I made the purchase, however, I developed golfer’s elbow which limited my rower and ski erg use. I’m now recovered and had been excited to buy and start...
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    Relationships and CrossFit

    @sherryanne Only you can decide the priorities and balance of gym vs. the rest of your life. You will get all sorts of opinions about this — none of them as important as your opinion. We can, however, help you get a realistic sense of whether a pro CrossFit career is for you. Can you tell us a...