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  1. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @williejdyson Great! We have a lot in common. I train with a +50 friend who has been in shape almost his whole live and is now complaining all the time ("When i was 20..."). This ios a big advantage for people who started late and there should be more informations than "older readers over 40 may...
  2. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @williejdyson 60+? Oh man, that's great. Don't know if i am more impressed of your lifting or using reddit with your age! ;) I sometimes feel like a dinosaur while browsing here (in reddit). Unfortunately i can't really say something about changes while aging. I did a lot of - sorry -...
  3. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @tinywonderland I did the 3 months and - i think - will do it for the rest of my life. Besides fatloss there are a few more advantages of IF concerning health, aging and so on. BTW it is really easy for me to skip breakfast. ;)
  4. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @tinywonderland Do it. The wiki is the best source imo. 2k cals is pretty easy. Log your cals and you will learn fast how to reach your cals-and-macros-goals. Macros are much more tricky.
  5. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @tinywonderland Yes. I trained a lot more before but when you read about leangains it's always about starting metabolism at trainings day and let it burn at rest days. Don't know your sources but Martin trains 3d/week for cutting and only for bulking 4d/week. I trained almost every second day...
  6. R

    Daily microroutine (only dumbells (and TRX)): Does it makes sense for strength training

    @sanj79 Wow! This is pretty close to what i wanted to do! Ha ha, could have invented something when i would not be that late... ;) Thank you, this gives me more confidence in my routine and i will adapt it a little bit.
  7. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @tinywonderland You train too much. On training days you don't have a deficit, so you should always have a rest day after a training day. You can do some cardio at rest days but that can be hard. BTW: "Note - If your rest day intake is under 1,300kcal (1,200kcal for women) in the Cut (0/-875)...
  8. R

    Daily microroutine (only dumbells (and TRX)): Does it makes sense for strength training

    Hi.I have to minimize my weekly strength training. I am a huge fan of the recommended routines and i increased strength and muscles with a lot of barbell-routines like Greyskull, 531, nsuns and so on. I even bought a barbell and rack when the gyms were closed, but now it is time for me to...
  9. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @tinywonderland EDIT: Sorry, i told bullshit. I checked my TDEE in MFP and i took my full bodyweight to calculate TDDEs.
  10. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @discipleduchrist Thanks and yes, i would agree to that, BUT if you like you could say leangains is nothing else than a combination of cals-tracking, short weight-intensive routines and IF. All together is extreme effective. I made greyskull instead of the usual reverse pyramid, so the routine...
  11. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @dawn16 I had to relinquish on so much that I did not also wanted to avoid the sun especially not in such a summer.
  12. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    @veganbro4 Yes, i even did 16h/8h-intermittent fasting before and did not change this except that i stopped eyeballing and startetd logging. I wanted to cut, so at trainingsdays i ate calories around my TDEE, at restdays TDEE -875 cals. Means this calorie cycling? What do you mean by what...
  13. R

    [47M] 3 months leangains: This shit works (even for older people)! -8.7kg (19.2lbs) / -7.7% fat / +4.5% muscles

    4 months ago I asked here at r/fitness30plus what to do because everything I tried before - and that was not few - did not work. I even did interval fasting (but without logging cals and macros), did not smoke, no alcohol, rarely sugar a lot of weight training and some cardio but nothing...