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  1. W

    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @obadimu That's interesting, I've been reading up on ghrelin and leptin. I definitely get more shaky, weak and get a headache after a lot of processed sugar (e.g. cake, biscuits) and have to have a nap. I'll look into this.
  2. W

    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @dawn16 I counted once when I meal prepped to try and take most of the counting out of everyday but I have had problems in the past with restricting way too much and being obsessive which leads to a binge eventually. Just have to find a balance somewhere because I feel crappy when I constantly...
  3. W

    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @mathewbailey08 I factored in "moderate exercise" to the TDEE calculator, got 2100 cals as my maintenance and took off 500 for the deficit and use MFP to make sure I'm getting all of these calories. If I still feel like crap in a few days I'll definitely increase my intake, thanks for this! It's...
  4. W

    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @cindychar Meal prepping again tomorrow so I'll definitely add a shit tonne of broccoli in and less rice, thanks! I've read a lot that more fats (e.g. nuts) keep you satiated for longer but it really doesn't feel that way. Having a black coffee and waiting till midday to eat atm, feeling ok so...
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    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @janerollag Honestly, I try it every few weeks and give up because I'm too hungry. I based on on this calculator which said my maintenance calories with moderate exercise were 2100 (2079 but I'm rounding up lol), so I took 500 from that. I'm going to try to fast till...
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    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @mathewbailey08 I used this calculator and selected in moderate exercise - does that mean it factors in my BMR, exercise and calories burned from daily activity (roughly of course)? It said my maintenance was around 2100 with moderate exercise (intensive exercise for...
  7. W

    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @caracarn Yep I definitely think long-term appearance goals don't motivate me as much as being fit/feeling better. I'll focus on that more.
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    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @caracarn I’ve started meal prepping which is helping a lot with keeping on track, but next time I prep I’ll make sure to add more protein! The pie was a result of ordering apple fries (cut up apple sticks) and receiving apple pies instead. 😂 I gave one away but couldn’t face binning the other...
  9. W

    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @rvin I'm trying to build some muscle too and have started weight training too. I'm pretty clueless - can I lose fat and build muscle at the same time? I keep reading that I need a deficit to lose weight and a surplus to gain muscle so I'm not sure what to do...
  10. W

    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @harmano1 I definitely think it's partly mental because my hunger is highest when my body "expects" food. I think I just get really hungry as soon as I tell myself I'm restricting. Thanks!
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    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @dawn16 that’s true. i think i’ll give myself a week or two to adjust/try some tips, but if it feels unsustainable then reducing the deficit to something more manageable might be the way to go.
  12. W

    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    @dawn16 Your comment has just made the penny drop for me - burning more than I consume will make me hungry. I don’t know why I was thinking about it that simply haha. Yeah I’ve tried and failed a few times (ended up binging) but I’ve been going a few days consistently thanks to meal prepping...
  13. W

    Why am I (F, 140lbs, 5”1) soo hungry on 1600 calories - whether I exercise or not?

    I’ve started calorie counting to lose some weight. I know it’s a rough estimate, but according to my TDEE, I’d need to eat 1600 calories to be in a daily 500 calorie deficit. Yesterday I ate: Nut/seed muesli with soya yoghurt and berries Rice and black beans with salsa and avocado Tofu and...