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    No results on calorie deficit / body recomp

    @mommajulesberry Yes, I have been adding weight to my lifts.
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    No results on calorie deficit / body recomp

    @gne5 Appreciate the detailed response. I also work a sedentary job sitting at a desk majority of the day but make a good attempt to get up and move around every now and then. I average about 3K steps per day and probably do need to boost that number up, especially on rest days. I also sleep 6-8...
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    No results on calorie deficit / body recomp

    Hello,I am 29M, 162lbs, 5ft 9. Ectomorph/hardgainer/skinnyfat. I used the TDEE calculator, determined a rough estimate for my RMR & TDEE. Using the Cronometer App to track all foods consumed throughout the day. I am meeting all of my macros (some days +/-5%). Daily Avg: 1600-1700 calories, P...
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    5' 8" 164lb m

    @paulus2014 Following for comments.