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  1. H

    Calorie deficit for 5’0?

    @faithshepard I’m 5’0”, am mostly sedentary with some light exercise sprinkled in (trying to be more consistent), and aim to eat 1200-1500 calories a day but leaning toward the lower end of the range. You might like it over in r/1200isplenty
  2. H

    5’0 and under … what’s your treadmill speed for walking?

    @uticus 5’0” here! My comfy/warmup/cooldown pace is 3.6 mph, and my exercise pace is 3.8 mph. If I’m on the treadmill I do a 2% incline, but if I’m on my walking pad it’s just flat. I do 2.6-2.8 mph on my walking pad if I want to multitask (read, type, etc.) because that requires a little more...