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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @dablegend I figured I couldn't be super skinny so I'd be "bear fighting" strong instead. Take what you can do best with your body and own it. That's my advice at least.
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @subtle103 I think you're probably pretty right on that. I assume the thought process is something like: "Someone is defying common standards of beauty and gender roles?!? I must police their choices and try and shame them back into the status quo before it becomes the norm and what makes me...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @alina I don't think at ~139lbs she's rocking so much mass that she really has to worry about having too much of it.
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @daisy3ohio Take what you whatever makes you a better you and ignore the rest. :D No inspiration has to be a perfect model of what your goals are and even if you just take the ideals they hold of hard work and dedication then you're going to get what you need to make yourself that much better...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @iamscience I don't but I am curious myself. If I find out I'll share it here. EDIT: I've tried searching but I'm not really finding anything specific. Best I could really find was her blog on Go Metal which documents a lot of what she's doing for training but doesn't really lay out a plan or...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @rosston557 Very true! I guess people ignore that sort of small detail to make it easier to diminish other people's efforts. :(
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @jb9 And not all female bodybuilders take steroids. Sure, she might have higher than average T levels, but considering what her workouts look like, she has a lot of volume that brings a lot of hypertrophy. Like this routine here (it's the same one I posted above). She works pretty damn hard from...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @dawn16 I just don't think steroids are the only possible answer. I'm just not convinced is all. If she ever comes out and says otherwise I'll admit being wrong but I think it's too much of a foggy area to be so sure that she does take steroids. No chords struck. I just don't think the...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @mayday3 I disagree honestly. Source? All I found trying to Google this was the McDonald's Business model. And honestly that sounds really low. Especially since women only progress slower in the upper body than men, but have no difference in gains in the lower body. And the volume of her...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @sheron Why do you keep dragging up a topic that was largely dead by the time you started posting? Frankly I'm tired of going back and forth with this already and don't understand why I need to keep defending opinion. You have it, it stands as is and I'm not going to sit here and try to justify...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @sheron Disagreeing with people and stating why you disagree (in my case pointing out the lack of physical evidence based on what we can see in terms of her body and the lack of usual side-effects) is not an attack. It's a disagreement. I never once insulted anyone or attacked them as a person...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @jb9 She doesn't show signs of acne, hair loss, increased body or facial hair in any of her pics and you're claiming she's on steroids? Why can't we just assume it's just be from hard work and dedication? Why do we need to undercut someone's achievements like that? Seriously, I never get that...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @honeycutt Acne wasn't the only thing I mentioned. It is the only thing you addressed though. Honestly you can argue that she's on steroids, but I'm not really buying into it. Call me naive if you want, but I really do refuse to buy into the idea that the only way she could have gotten to where...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @honeycutt We've kind of covered the lack of side effects of steroids in her pictures (take it from a trans person who has to deal with facial hair, it's a bitch to deal with and if you have even a regular male's amount of testosterone, much less above, you'd need to deal with body hair daily...
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @honeycutt I'm only coming back to this because I stumbled into this (I was honestly wondering because the question was raised over her possible steroid use, and was trying to dig around a little more). According to Julia she doesn't use steroids. She does take a lot of supplements though.
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @willargue23 I don't try to please others, I try to please me. It's much easier that way.
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    @luv2ski77 It's up for debate if it is in the short amount of time she did it (2-3 years), but there are women who compete in natural bodybuilder contests who aren't exactly "small". The limit really comes down to a person's body more than anything I'd say.
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    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    ...instead they can look like they can wrestle bears! :D For those, like me, who previously hadn't heard of Julia before, she's an 18 year old Russian Powerlifter. And this is what her back looks like. She's a gal who has ignored her critics (some of which claim she's "ruining her body") over...