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  1. V

    Question thread for our AMA with Alberto Nuñez of 3DMJ!

    @paparazi257 Training for 15 years. Do you think it shortchanges long term progress to do a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year? Still in a surplus for ~9 months/yr. Even if you compare it to a 3 year bulk (typical way) the time spent in each phase would be roughly similar. Why would...
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    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    Beardsley, Krieger, musclephd and others have shown evidence its a myth that 'smaller' muscles recover faster even though the concept is so widely accepted nowadays. Mostly comes down to things like muscle fiber type, activation levels, joint rom, and yea size with the quads/calves/traps some of...