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    What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

    @mi5 Right there with you. Been vegan about 3 years but made the biggest gains in these 3 years, strength and size wise. Not gonna say its some magic lifestyle but its clear its just as good (if not better in this specific instance)
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    What are the dumbest things you’ve heard about a “vegan diet”?

    @blindly28 Oh man where to start, i suppose the whole “ you CANT gain muscle on a vegan diet”. Ive seen people claim some vegans that gain muscle HAVE to be in steroids lol, or that your bones will break. I guess those are some of the most egregious
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    Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

    @lmdooleyjr Red lentil pasta is awesome, vegan, gluten free (my wife is gluten intolerant so huge life saver), who doesn’t love pasta! Can become a high protein meal with soooo many things.
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    Sporty people: Where do you get all of your protein?

    @reneaz Tofu, peanut butter, bread, legumes, red lentil noodles (wildly underrated), pea protein powder from sprouts farmers market, just off the top of my head. I eat most of these daily.
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    I don’t like lifting 😔

    @ajewelinhiscrown Just to add to what people are already saying, consider exercise selection. I lift 6-7 days a week, sometimes things get stale etc. So ill try new lifts pretty much every few months or rotate stuff i do like. It can really help freshen stuff up. You can apply progressive...