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  1. K

    Help structuring macros

    @kishanugen I use Cronometer and I love it. I’ve tried the others including Macrofactor, but I keep coming back to Crono. I will say, though, that I’m pretty comfortable adjusting my own macros. Macrofactor is better if you actually need coaching and aren’t comfortable with adjusting your own...
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    Gaining weight on a caloric deficit. HELP!

    @activatedalmond Is your weekly average going down? If not, you are not in a caloric deficit.
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    Anyone else a fan of Layne Norton?

    @ruin225018 I agree with you about the misinformation. There are ways of addressing it without being a prick.
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    Anyone else a fan of Layne Norton?

    @ruin225018 Do I like his breakdown of scientific concepts…yes. Do I like him calling out some of the idiots in the fitness world…yes. Do I think he is somewhat biased when explaining the research he finds… yes. Do I think he’s rude and condescending…yes.
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    Cutting progress plateau

    @amandal You should weigh daily and look at the weekly average. And it sounds like it might be time for a refeed or diet break.
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    Cutting progress plateau

    @amandal How often do you weigh yourself? Have you done any refeeds or diet breaks?
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    Bodybuilding Peaking Strategy

    @prcg345 You’re already depleted from dieting. No need to deplete even more.
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    Bodybuilding Peaking Strategy

    @prcg345 Nope nope nope. No need to deplete and load and manipulate water/sodium. Progressive linear carb load. Take pics everyday, AM and PM. If you start to spill over, keep carbs constant the next day. If you still look flat, increase carbs. Keep water and sodium approximately the same...
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    Rate my FWB A/B workout

    @chianna You need some sort of hip-hinge movement or something for the posterior chain —- dead lifts, hamstring curl, etc. I also don’t see any kind of vertical pull on your B day. Don’t neglect abs and calves if you’re wanting more of a hypertrophy based program.
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @petr0s As a competitor and a coach, I think that’s way too aggressive. Really you want to be ready early and don’t want to keep dieting into a show. So you actually only have 13-14 weeks instead of 16 weeks. You are running the risk of losing muscle by being that aggressive. I would go slower...
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @darcylbridge I’m not entirely convinced that the 1500 calories OP is reporting is correct. I also doubt that OP is still holding 2 lbs of water since August. If she is maintaining her weight, then she is at maintenance.
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    All protein sources count

    @neverbeenalone The only thing I don’t really count is collagen protein, since it doesn’t contribute to MPS. I still count the calories and the protein grams from it, but I make sure that I hit my protein goal and then add the collagen grams on top of that.
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @_marc97 I don’t understand the comments that say to eat more. If OP has truly gained two pounds (and not just water weight fluctuations), then she is already at a slight surplus. I do agree that more protein would be beneficial. Recomping is a slow, ongoing process. You will see changes over...
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    First show in the books! Looking for feedback

    @clintmurphy72 Great job! Good luck with your offseason!
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    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @matthewpegler Are you in the US? If you go to, you can order any blood test, pay online, make an appointment, and get results in like a day. This is what I did. You don’t need a doctor’s order because they have standing orders from a doctor that is in charge of the...
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    My Experience with Brig 20 (long post ahead)

    @lisafab The lat pull ins and scap retractions are both pulling movements with some degree of elbow flexion.
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    Fitness routine while traveling

    @lumenlight Whenever I'm on vacation and have tight space in the hotel or vacation condo, I do the following workout: 5 min warmup of walking/jogging in place/jumping jacks, and a few stretches 25 pulsing squats 25 leg lifts to the back 25 pulsing squats 25 leg lifts to the back 25...
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    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @dawn16 Thank you! Not to hijack this discussion, but I agree that there is a lot of talk on here about cutting and bulking, when it’s probably unnecessary in most cases. I’ve read that bulking can cause you to increase the number of fat cells (not just the size), which then makes it harder to...
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    My Experience with Brig 20 (long post ahead)

    @spiritfilled_lovefilled Not sure if there are any copyright issues with my listing them all. I have some in my original,post, but a Google search or YouTube search should get you what you want :). If not, I believe Doug has said if you reach out to him, he will gladly send you a list. He’s on...