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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @teshuvah777 Nice work. One of the greatest benefits right there. My mood/productivity/concentration is not dictated by how long ago my last meal was.
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @chiril Yes, or buy Ghee (clarified butter) instead of butter.
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @chiril Yes. But that's where I get most of my fats from. The world is slowly changing in regards to the old warnings about saturated fats. This32252-3/abstract) 2017 study of 18 countries across five continents (summarized in this video) concluded: The person presenting the findings is one...
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @chiril Get fat with your protein, eggs and cook veges with things like coconut oil and use olive oils with salads. Avocado is your best fatty fruit option A quick search found this But get your fats in with your protein - ground beef, pork belly, bacon, steak with all the fat on. You can get...
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @fsmbin >Lustig is a poor source for nutrition information Mmmmmkay....... vs (personal trainer and health/fitness writer from Australia) I especially enjoyed his scientific posts: Six Reasons Why Harley “Durianrider”...
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @dawn16 Thisis a really good explanation of why continuing to eat sugar and refined carbs cab be a real problem for calorie/weight control. I think Dr Lustig certainly exaggerates when he says it cannot be done, but it certainly is very difficult for most people because of the hormones...
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @vikingqueen There's a much better, and more scientific (and more up-to-date - 2017) review of the studies and evidence here: Low-Carbohydrate-High-Fat Diet: Can it Help Exercise Performance? (warning: long) They acknowledge that several months of adaption is required for all metabolic...
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @mrs_rc Honestly, it was like a perpetual cloud evaporating from around me. Something I previously could only ever experience during exercise. I'll share a message I got from a friend a few days ago, who is two months into his Keto diet... "Honestly, I'm sitting here feeling like a f\***...
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @loavesnphish Wow. Thanks for pointing that out.
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    Hi All, I wanted to write a response to the Keto is not a good idea mentally post by @iceteezz and I didn't want it to get buried in all of the other comments in that thread. This gist of that article is that a Keto diet is bad for you because it affects your gut biome in a negative way. The...