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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    @loreec Thank you 🥺
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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    @smilerman312 This is sooo helpful thank you so much! Our stats are also so similar! I loled at the poop comment
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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    @shalaa Wow your perseverance in training is amazing! Congrats on the progress too! This does make me think that maybe I should start taking measurements because I’m just relying on photos but I don’t look any different… On the weekends I’m not really tracking at all but my guess would be that...
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    Finally lost my first 10lbs!

    @2tim_215 Exactly, comparison is the thief of joy and I’m just going to focus on my own journey! Thank you!
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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    @vanaspati I do work out! I work out 5-6x a week, usually 2-3 days of strength training, 1-3 days of cardio, and 1 day of Pilates/yoga
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    Finally lost my first 10lbs!

    @diamondkut Thank you!
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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    @adriana28 Im consuming ~1350 calories on the weekdays but not counting on weekends. I workout 5-6x a week between strength training, running, and pilates Edit: typo
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    Finally lost my first 10lbs!

    @wellsja This!!!!
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    Finally lost my first 10lbs!

    @devotedchristian1 Thank you so much!
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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    @bluescityleon Omg we are the same!! I’m really hoping to even get to 123 by the end of the year, that’d be awesome.
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    Finally lost my first 10lbs!

    @dwizzy Thank you! The biggest thing for me was CICO and making sure I hit within the 1200-1400 range. I pay attention to protein but my main priority is always calories. I’ve found that 2 large meals and 1 snack + dessert keeps me satiated. I’m pretty strict during the week but lax on the...
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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    @yousee Thank you and congrats on your weight loss as well!! My SW was at 131.6 and CW is 126. My GW is 110, so aiming to lose ~20 lbs overall. I was hoping by the end of the year but it doesn’t look like I’ll get to that point unfortunately.
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    Finally lost my first 10lbs!

    5’1. SW: 131.6 | GW: 110 | CW: 121.6 I’m about halfway to my goal and could not be more excited! My progress was slow and steady as I started on May 1 and weighed in this morning on Dec 1. It took me 7 months to lose 10lbs and I was worried at first because it felt like it was taking so long...
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    Ladies, how long did it take you to lose your first 10lb?

    5’1, late 20’s. I know everyone’s body is different but I started my journey in May, albeit a few vacations and days where I didn’t count calories, and my progress has been sooooo slow. I’ve weighed myself weekly since May 1st and there have been many fluctuations; as of today Sep 13th I’ve lost...