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  1. B

    Friend(s) for LA FitExpo on Saturday 1/9?

    @meganisgrowing Haha I come there for the free supps to be completely honest, last year's free samples lasted me over 5-months.
  2. B

    Down to the last few pounds. 1200 calories made me feel like crap, but not losing weight if I ate any higher. Advice please?

    @inquirer2016 I ask because caffeine is known to curb hunger in larger amounts. This though not for everybody is a temporary fix and is what helps some people eat less without feeling hungry.
  3. B

    Down to the last few pounds. 1200 calories made me feel like crap, but not losing weight if I ate any higher. Advice please?

    @inquirer2016 Do you use caffeine or any preworkouts containing caffeine?