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    24 y/o F Changing Body Type

    @markxiii Love this. Thanks so much. Tough love with inspiring words. I've not given up. I'm working out more again and already feel so much better about myself. Even if the scale isn't reflecting the progress I feel. Thanks!
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    24 y/o F Changing Body Type

    @bubblegum2021 How was me saying I think I've ruined my body by not working out having a victim mentality? I'm cursing myself for having dropped the ball, not blaming other people..
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    24 y/o F Changing Body Type

    I'm 24 5'7" F and have always been really fit and had a slim build my entire life (around 125lbs and 13-17 bf% for years). Until my third year of college when I stopped working out as much due to time constraints. I now weigh 140 and even though I'm working out again I fear my body won't be...