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  1. K

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @ferrchu I posted my workour routine
  2. K

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @tonyrichy86 Sleep isnr an issue lol i get 8-9hrs of sleep
  3. K

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @jjwampler Thank you!
  4. K

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @rhandi Yes i try to walk about 3-5x a week
  5. K

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @sean4567 Ok so i do know what a TDEE calculator is i didn’t know that that was what it was called, my maintance calories is 2100 so my calorie deficit is 1600
  6. K

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @sean4567 No i don’t use a food scale. Not sure what a TDEE is.
  7. K

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @sean4567 The thing is I’m definitely within my calorie deficit… ya im not hitting my protein goal but i’m atill gaining weight. How is it possible to gain weight if i’m in a calorie deficit and i do lifting and cardio at least 3x a week
  8. K

    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    So I started going to my school’s gym at the beginning of the year cuz my bf took me. I’ve been lifting for about maybe a solid 8 months cumulatively if i account for the breaks I took. I genuinely feel like i’ve barelt seen any results. One thing I will note is my arms and chest have toned up...