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  1. C

    How does everyone structure their yearly training

    @needheaven Currently aiming for .5 lb per week on a 9 month bulk and just now starting. 6 ft 185 pounds I will run Stronger by Science Novice hypertrophy program at least 6 months for that which is just basic form of linear progression structured as a 4 day upper lower and a 5th day for vanity...
  2. C

    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @gennadi Hella late but man that starting strength dogma was something. My squats finally started moving far beyond what I got out SS-type work once I worked on my mobility Turns out “squat more” was not the answer for me Also I just use chalk first, then straps. Use your warmup to your top...
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    My issues with measuring hypertrophy by strength increase

    @oojeanetteoo I’d get one of your barbell bench days to be a heavier 3x3-5 with at least 20% more weight. Get some lower volume higher intensity in there and drive some strength adaptation. That’s how I got past your current plateau Even bodybuilders with hypertrophy goals dabble in 3 to 5 rep...
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    How long do you rest for in between sets?

    @distantthoughts Enough to give enough effort on the next movement. If I’m trying to gas myself out, then sure like 30 secs or whatever. But generally, I’m doing at least 2.5 mins or more
  5. C

    Higher frequency less sets?

    @prodigal1 It’s about recoverable volume aka volume (and intensity) that you can recover from 16 sets at 4 sets for 4 days to failure every day probably isn’t the best idea 4 sets for 4 days where 1 day is close to failure, and the other days are less intense in the way of weight and or reps...