Search results

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    Am I too Old for gains? Muscle and Strength?

    @lucaannibale Not too old!!!
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    [29M] Been training since 2021, not seeing much progress. Please help?

    @ladydenise226 Remove cardio Add protein supplement (1-2 scoops per day) More heavy
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    Name 3-4 kettlebell exercises for 30mins

    @ronlin Double Clean and Press Double Front Squat Go heavy!
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    Can a single kettlebell replace a gym membership?

    @is2017overyet Yes
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    Kettlebell weight recommendation

    @theheretic A 16, 24, and 32 Do Simple and Sinister
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    Finding double 20kg front squats difficult

    @brownie More rest. 3-5 minutes between each complex. Shoot for 10 rounds per training session
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    Got a single 12kg what now

    @nightfire61 I had way better mirror results running DFW and The Giant
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    Unstructured C&P training

    @imsome Run "The Giant" from Geoff Neupert if you're interested in a purely C&P program
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    Your Foolproof Guide to Training (Issue 1.2)

    @ngie Mods please sticky this posttt