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  1. C

    Is it possible for someone in my circumstances to get a pull-up bar...?

    @kaylen500 Im not sure what you mean by pull up bars that “screw on” Mine just sits on tops of the door frame. The bar you hold onto then presses into the other side of the door frame. It allows for neutral grip regular grip and chin up grip. It doesn’t really allow for wide grip pull ups...
  2. C

    Rate my routine?

    Hi just wanted to know if this routine seems good thanks in advance M/W/F - DFW Loaded carry’s x5 x90s (doubles and unilaterals) Hollow body hold x5 x60s right now i’m doing them while holding a 20lb weight above my head T/T/S - Band assisted neutral grip pull ups Push Ups Rows...
  3. C

    KB FS vs. C&P Weights

    @wezo777 Have you tried malarkey? I’ve heard it’s much easier on the joints.