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  1. B

    New FIT Commercial

    @dannyz7 It's likely not much worse than other similar videos. I don't know what audience they are trying to reach with it, haha.
  2. B

    Chem E Car:

    This is a multidisciplinary student organization affiliated with AIChE that I'm running this year. If anyone is interested, read on! We're building a small, shoe-box sized car that runs on Hydrogen fuel cells for this year. We tried to do a steam car, but they didn't like that one bit. We're...
  3. B

    Just got accepted to F.I.T! Can you guys answer a question or two?

    @dkm I spend my nights studying if there's a need to. I don't personally really party, nor do I go out of my way to make a lot of friends. I'm social but not really all that outgoing. I like to go home and read or play some video games and drink some scotch or have a cigar (or both). But I do...