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  1. K

    Where to buy cute.. i feel cringe saying this.. “pump covers?”

    @pioneereotcrane Old ass grandma thinking the same thing.
  2. K

    Can't squat due to mobiliy issues, I'd like to ask some advice!

    @bearjmg I got a pair of squat shoes and they really helped me too.
  3. K

    Can't squat due to mobiliy issues, I'd like to ask some advice!

    @koh You might check out Squat University both the website and the YouTube channel. He's got excellent ideas, stretches, mobility work etc to help people get a good squat. Even explains how form will be different on people with different leg lengths, the way the hip joint, and ankle mobility work.
  4. K

    Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

    @notaperfectchristian I mean, I really wish this one was true. Want to drop a few pounds and keep it off. Swallow a couple packages of gum, and watch the fat melt off 😂
  5. K

    I walked 154 miles on my walking pad in February! Here's what happened:

    @macbosch I want a walking pad even though I've got a treadmill. I think just having a walking pad in my living room where I could just walk even for an extra 10 min a day without going downstairs to the treadmill would be great. Your results make me want one EVEN MORE. Maybe I'll get one for...
  6. K

    Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

    @notaperfectchristian I still remember back while growing up in the 70s-80s that swallowed gum would stay in your stomach for 5-7 years. Heck as a kid, I was like "then why don't overweight people just swallow a bunch of gum everyday to fill their stomachs and not overeat."
  7. K

    75 soft

    @shiney77 A friend of mine and myself are doing our own version of Soft 75 starting April 1.