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  1. N

    I need some suggestions on important stretches before kettlebell workouts. I’m a beginner

    @travis2014 In case of doubt, use sun salutations to warm up, a dozen will hit everything The simplified version of that would be indian push-ups Either way, you don't need that many pre-exercises, it's more about pacing yourself as you familiarize yourself with the weight You start slow...
  2. N

    Kettlebell weight at my (f) fitness level?

    @pencillead you definitely don't need two, it's just a bit easier to load yourself up to the next step. Basically, nearly any move that can be done 1-handed can also be done with 2 bells either in parallel or alternatively, and it increases the intensity from cardio to HIIT intensity. You can...
  3. N

    Kettlebell weight at my (f) fitness level?

    @pencillead considering your size and weight, I wouldn't skip the 8kg weight class - but 12kgs is probably where most of your growth will be. If you can only get one, get a 12kg, but if you have the opportunity, a small array of bells is nice - having 2 of lower weight for warmups, one-handed...