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    Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

    @jodi1028 I don’t follow any ‘influencers’ but I do follow nutrition scientists and competitors…and this is something they have always said…and done. People just don’t get it. To get anything in life that needs work, you have to put in the effort. Did you want a specific job? You worked at...
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    What motivated you to get into fitness?

    @pastorguice Countless numbers of things…mainly, I didn’t recognize or feel like the person I knew I was. And I was 25 years old at the time. I’m now 60 and have spent 35 years in the fitness space and when I DON’T workout, I feel completely off. Eating well and healthy, moving my body and...
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    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 That’s true to a certain degree. I’ve found that many PT’s have bad habits that they continue even after being taught something differently through their certifications. IMO, some things may be a “what works for you,” but I’ve also found a lot of that is bad habits, especially...
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    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 I guess if you trust people that you don’t know from Adam or have no idea is they really are a CPT (I am and can prove it!)…sure! Let it be your Personal Trainer. LOL
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    Need new routine

    @needmyangel Hire a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach for help. We can set you up with workout programs and help you with nutrition guidance to lose the fluff and build strength and lean out. Find an independent contractor or an online coach - which generally is a good...
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    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 Nothing more to add than others have commented. Lifting/Gaintaining after 50 is more about balance. Lifting 4 days a week is not going to be terrible if your program is well-designed so you are not overloading the tendons (which is a higher source of injury after 50). Most men...
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    Tell me I’m not crazy

    @roarke Oh…I’m sorry…I just re-read the number and it does say 1 pound and I wrote 1 pound. Oh boy. My bad. Anyway…at 5’6” and 154, 1600-1700 calories would fall right in line with your goal. Don’t look at a fitness tracker or worry about what it’s saying you “burn.” Only focus on the...
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    Tell me I’m not crazy

    @roarke Although you’re 55, you don’t say your current weight or how tall you are - and your age has little to do with your metabolism - especially since you said you are not menopausal or post-menopausal. You are still producing estrogen which assists in weight loss. Unless you are under...
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    Muscle weight loss

    @charmaine93 You have the dilemma that many people wish they had! Here’s my 2 cents. If your budget allows, hire a reputable Personal Trainer that also is a Nutrition Coach. We can help design programs for hypertrophy using weight training and nutrition. You’re going to have to eat to build...
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    Tell me I’m not crazy

    @roarke …and focus on overall calories for the WEEK…not just for the day. You can have one day that’s a little more or one day when you’re not as hungry and have a little less…or maybe you want to save a little for a treat one night. It all washes out.
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    Burnt out, new routine needed

    @cmoser Take out the HIIT training and put in some Zone 2 cardio - any of your choice. This is what will build your VO2. You’ll get your HR up and stay there. It just sounds like you’re bored. I get it… I totally get that way, too. Z2 cardio can be difficult to do when you are used to or...
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    Going to whine a little…

    @nedlm10 No. You shouldn’t be sore everyday. There’s a million details that are being left out that it’s impossible to assist. I’ll just touch on the big ones…hydration and lots of it…sleep and lots of it…healthy nutrition with an emphasis on .7 to 1.0g of protein per lean body mass and...
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    First day in 9 years

    @jnpaapaamoakoheneameyaw As a CPT and CNC/WLS…my advice is to start SLOW and small. Start with a walk - 15 minutes a day. Yes, daily. SLOWLY build to 5 days a week for 30 minutes a day, at minimum over week. More if you enjoy it. Strength training. Start with a 3 day a week full body...
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    @cl4r3 Almost 60…I have been working out for 35+ years. I felt like I could have written your story. I, too, have been told I’m a freak. Don’t care what others think and I have found that most women want to complain about menopause. But, as we age, the lack of estrogen really messes with the...
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    What are your opinions on exercising 7 days a week?

    @xxjesusfreak1984xx My opinion on that routine is…you are over training and setting yourself to completely burnout, sooner or later. You are trying to serve 2 masters…running or weight training.
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    Is there a term for losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time?

    @whereloveandmercymeet Body recomposition.