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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @webslave Have you tried doing ring tricep extensions? You start with a neutral grip at "bottom" with elbows forward and then rotate the rings into pronated for peak contraction at "top". I started on low bar extensions but switched to rings, I feel like I get a more complete lockout on my arms...
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    Back Training with Calisthenics: A Guide To Upper Body Pulling Strength

    @raykay Ring rows can be very humbling with strict form and a slower tempo. I've been doing decline bw rows with an emphasis on scapular retraction at top position with rings shoulder width and scapular protraction at bottom position with rings touching. You can also play around with where you...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @betaninja The study says both groups started in the 8-12 rep range and by the end of the study the reps group was doing 1.5x more reps so 20-30 reps whereas the strength group stayed in 8-12 reps. What I wonder is if you can just endlessly increase reps per set or if there is some magic number...