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  1. L

    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @stanczyk Thanks! There wasn't much blood, but there was a lot of sweat and tears. I literally cried during a few of my workouts when my coach wouldn't let me lighten the weight or cut my reps. Worth it. Haha.
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @aquavista2693 I posted the exercises below!
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @aquavista2693 Thank you. This sub has been nothing but positive!!
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @oryareah He lifts but does not compete.
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @giantgardener Yes, I realized I wasn't helping to make my point without showing maintenance. I had hoped that by emphasizing that my goals were to compete, people would see that I had obviously gone above and beyond what was necessary to be fit.
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @dekkiw Oh wow. That does seem fool proof!
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @dekkiw I have seen many people on reddit have success with Stronglifts. Perhaps I could start there. I would like to increase strength at this point.
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @dekkiw How did you get started in powerlifting? Ive seen some tiny girls like me do it, but I'm intimidated.
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @dekkiw Thanks! I started taking a multivitamin when I was cutting hard. Other than that, and protein shakes, nothing. I have tried a couple pre-workouts but I dont like how they make me feel. Good old caffeine works for me. My PR for traditional squats is 175lb.
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    By request: I can't really list weights/ reps because I do slot of drop sets, pyramid sets, etc. for example: for a leg press I might do 10 reps at 210lb then 15 reps at 190lb then 20 reps at 170lb. Shoulders/back on same day: Upright rows, bent over rows, seated cable rows, scarecrows...
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @brotherenoch Thank you and Yes! I know all the mistakes I made and look forward to at least one more show this season. I will probably take off the fall to continue to lift and perhaps compete again next spring.
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @joyalton Thank you! If you have any other questions, please dont hesitate to ask. I know that the same things don't work for everyone, but if I can help at all, I will.
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @joyalton I couldn't respond anymore because they locked the thread. i didn't mind the photo at all! I actually want to thank you for trying to help :) I can give you a better idea of they types of things I was eating. Protein: meat/fish were either in 4 or 6 oz portions. I buy the single...
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @instruggles12 Thank you! PLease do show them. I stepped foot in my first gym at 25 years old. I had no clue what I was doing. Fast forward 10 years and I still had no clue as I didn't bother to find out. Plus I, like a lot of females, thought I needed to starve myself to be thin. I wish I had...
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @heartsrose74 This might be long, sorry. I was always thin in highschool. At 5'0" and 105lb, I looked good. I didn't have to do anything to maintain that. I wasn't in sports, and my only activity came from marching band. We did have to do a lot of running and pushups, so I joke about it being...
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @heartsrose74 I was not fit before my kids. I was always thin. Skinny fat. That was actually bad because I was well into my 20s (after my first child) before I realized I should even go to a gym. I was a cardio bunny doing a few machines here and there until I had my second child. I was 30. I...
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @heartsrose74 I also want to add that /r/bodyweightfitness is a great sub for what you are looking for!
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @harrymctavish Oh my gosh, yes!!!! In the past when I was trying to create my own diet, I was never quite sure how many calories I should be eating based on my activity level. I would use the TDEE calculator, come up with a number, try to find foods that fit into that. It always just seemed like...
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @charlie84 My pleasure and thanks. If I can help you in anyway, PM me:)
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    X-post from /r/fitness: 5 Month Transformation

    @irishfn1 Jazz hands. I'll remember that one! I actually do have two mirrors set up in my living room to practice. If you didn't know me or why, it looks really weird. lol