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  1. L

    How does everyone structure their yearly training

    @needheaven I never do seasonal bulks/cuts. I time it with my need of gaining more mass or losing more fat. If it falls in line with a traditional summer cut or winter bulk, so be it, but I don't actively seek out the seasonal cuts. If I have to bulk during and through summer, so be it. I...
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    Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

    @lovely_krystal86 If the drop is too big I either 1) Went too hard on my earlier sets 2) The weight is way too heavy I like the drop off to be 1-2 at the very most. 2 is already stretching it for me.
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @intotheforge RDL S tier Short stride length bulgarian split squats with one hand assisted S tier Seated DB OHP S tier Weighted chin up S tier
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @sarham41 Chest: S: 30° DB incline presses and flat flies. A: Flat DB press B: Dips, Barbell bench C: / D: Pullovers
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    Cutting progress plateau

    @concernedcatholic Pretty sure he isn't either being consistent or doesn't track his calories correctly. The numbers and bodyweight don't line up.
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @idontknowhatimdoing Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's paranoia.