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    A friend of mine asked me if I was natural or if I took creatine

    @thisdogdonegone you don't even need 5g. 5g is already enough for someone over 350 lbs. 14mg/lb will keep you saturated.
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    You don’t need to get super obsessive or neurotic about range of motion or training at long muscle lengths

    @greyowl it does at its relative most lengthened position with DB/BB depending on the angle of the bench. It's just not the biceps most lengthened position. Something like an Incline db curl gets your bicep to the most lengthened position but doesn't load the bicep most at it's lengthened...
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    You don’t need to get super obsessive or neurotic about range of motion or training at long muscle lengths

    @sashacat every single one he listed is loaded the most at/close to the lengthened position. Not sure what you mean? The only one you could argue would be TBar rows because back movements are hardest in the short but the weight also moves closer to you at the top with a Tbar row.
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @livingme7 thanks
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @livingme7 care to link?
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    Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

    @lovely_krystal86 If you are actually training at/close to failure like most people say they are(and a lot aren't), you should have the biggest drop off after the first set, then a smaller dip on subsequent sets. If you are only losing 1 rep after a first set to failure or 1 RIR, I'm sorry you...
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    Need help deciding between t-bar row (v-grip), close grip barbell row, or smith machine close grip barbell row for lats

    @blondie977 1 arm lat Tbar row could be an option to lower the load even more.