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    DIY Bench for Dragon Flags & Nordic Curls/GHR Guide

    @button Any ideas for a simple thing to do bulgarian split squats? My bed kinda works but def could be better...
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    2 Year Progress Post! (follow up)

    @drock21x Imo hollowbody chinups are very underrated; you're not hitting the abs directly but you're working so many other muscles in the process. However, you can increase the effect so much more by doing any basic ab workouts and then go into the hollowbody chinups; it's surprisingly hard on...
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    3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

    @rubesrubio I still wonder the same (being far past the beginner phase), though I've read/watched a few convinced folk say that reps are reps, added weight or not; put in the work to break down the muscles and you'll see progress. I've DEFINITELY made a lot of progress over the years on...
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    Back Training with Calisthenics: A Guide To Upper Body Pulling Strength

    @raykay Open to comments here: I always found it a bit odd that so many people out there treat them as essentially the same thing. I started off fat, to chubby, did the basics with pushups/light dumbbell use, then finally worked my way up to a grand total of 2 pullups. I later discovered the...
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    [D] Applying Mike Mentzer method in full body workouts

    @berk Algorithm trending on YT atm.
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    Daughter 7 and son 9 can dead hang comfortably for 3 and a half minutes

    @psalmbook Work on your dead hangs & seek employers with adequate amounts of fur to hold onto.
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @djkword [does a single pullup for the day] "I'd finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills."
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @kc8vji Copy/pasting part of my comment from a very recent post [similar topic]: I have experience here with seeing progress over the course of years. Quoting OP from that post: I feel like I've adapted to this aspect of it; even at my...
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    Can You Build Muscle Effectively Using Calisthenics or Bodyweight Alone? A Look at the Science Surrounding Low-Load Resistance Training

    @kuda Up to the age 30, I was fat with practically no muscle [sedentary computer lifestyle]. Pushups were really my only strength workout starting then; 15 reps when I began was enough to have me sore for days. I was pretty consistent daily & just added reps whenever I could. Aimed for a 1k...
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    Can You Build Muscle Effectively Using Calisthenics or Bodyweight Alone? A Look at the Science Surrounding Low-Load Resistance Training

    @donw1245 Made a lazy vid to demonstrate: Last time I weighed myself was months back @ 130lbs; was mostly sticking to a small deficit then. Having ramped up my calories since [small surplus], my very rough estimate is @ about 140lbs. +35lbs dumbbell: Hope my breathing doesn't make it seem...
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    Can You Build Muscle Effectively Using Calisthenics or Bodyweight Alone? A Look at the Science Surrounding Low-Load Resistance Training

    @lucie_tsao Speaking as a lean dude who started doing pushups to failure as a fatty @ age 30 [when I began my journey], I moved onto high-rep dips roughly about 2 years later & have been doing them for about 3 years now. Honestly, I ALMOST consider it easy on some days. My "dip station" [a...
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    Glute Training With Calisthenics: A Guide to Hip Strength

    @raykay Where are we with societal norms & dudes with big asses / or chasing after a big ass? All sexual innuendo aside, imo it's a mighty muscle to build for aesthetics & having a strong/youthful appearance. I honestly feel that men in their never-ending chase for big arms, seem to neglect so...