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    I’m losing weight but my lifts are going up, should I continue what I’m doing?

    @blueskies88 You're only 16 dude, you haven't even finished growing yet. Don't be too hard on yourself!
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    Should I be lifting heavier weights or more volume to build muscle?

    @jacksonjogu If you follow a proper routine you won't need to ask this question. Have a read of the wiki.
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    Beginner routine question

    @jayisscott I'd have a look at the r/bodyweightfitness "getting started" section if you're really keen on doing a bodyweight routine. Losing bodyfat requires a caloric deficit. Just starting to be more...
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    Looking to "put it all together"

    @anandmtech10 I just had a look at the example Peloton "strength" routines, if they are the same ones you've been using then I'd argue that you have yet to learn the "basics". Edit: I also can't imagine many people, especially those starting...
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    Is my workout plan balanced?

    @louiscabrera If you want to run a PPL, I'd highly recommend using this as a starting point: Edit: For future reference: Your warmup sets and weights aren't relevant in this context You write sets and reps schemes like this: x. So 3x15 would...
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    Change split routine

    @stewy0042 Your doing something very wrong then. I'm running the reddit PPL and my shoulders and triceps are getting hit hard as you essentially have an entire day, twice a week dedicated to bench, OHP and lateral raises. The pull day also has 2 variations of bicep curls per pull workout...
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    Getting in shape as a single mom

    @ilwj Losing 15lbs in 6 months is easily achievable. The rate at which you lose the weight will depend on how big of a deficit you want to maintain. "Toning" is a generic and entirely subjective term. If you want to build muscle then you'll need to find a routine that fits your goals...
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    Gym Anxiety

    @goddreamer0715 Half the people at the gym probably feel the same way you do and for an array of reasons. If it's not their weight, it's their form, what they're wearing, how much weight they are lifting etc. So you're not the only one. I can also assure you that 99.9% of people going to the...
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    Disappointed by little progress

    @fernandosn Then you need to eat in a caloric deficit if you want to lose weight. Exercising without tracking your intake is not going to achieve this for most people. What kind of scan? Unless your doing hydrostatic weighting, an MRI etc all of those other scans are incredibly inaccurate...
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    What are you eating during the week?

    @basicsacademy That would put almost every man at your weight in a serious deficit. Are you loosing significant weight every week? If not, your grossly underestimating your caloric intake.
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    OHP Tips

    @antitox As the other commenter said, these arent full reps - you should be starting each rep from the top of your chest. My setup starts with my arms outstretched horizontally holding the bar just outside of shoulder width. As I step into the bar I roll the bar keeping my wrists locked so...
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    Is this a good workout routine?

    @megalovaniac Do you mean build muscle? "Tone" is a subjective and therefore relatively meaningless and unhelpful term. Loosing weight requires you to maintain a caloric deficit, so there's not really such a thing as a routine to lose weight, as whether you lose, maintain or gain weight is...
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    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @kitsoni How are you implementing progressive overload? Are you following a proper routine and tracking your progress?
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    Is it true that if you are overweight you shouldn’t run?

    @newcityn8 I'm a similar size and shin splints are a real problem. If you can run without any pain or discomfort, from my understanding you should be fine. Plenty of large people play sports, and many others need knee replacements even though they've never been overweight. Being obese is...
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    Little results, can I get some advice?

    @utookmyname Read the r/fitness wiki and follow a proper routine: Also, at 5'4 and 230lbs you shouldn't even be considering bulking.
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    How’s my 3 day split

    @hum You train legs once a week and the only quad focused work you do are leg extensions. Your entire routine is essentially just assistance work. I'd argue that this is fine for assistance excercises, but unless you already have advanced/elite strength levels and/or are on gear, you really...