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    I was promised endorphins

    @haianhjumi I think it's more common for those into fitness or in the fitness industry to inquire about it but the general population doesn't seem to really be aware that it's an issue that they can talk to their doctor about. I think you have to specifically ask for it to be done or they just...
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    I was promised endorphins

    @romans5to8 Get your hormones checked out and make sure all is well in that department. Men tend to get theirs checked out more often than women but I feel like it's just as if not more important for women especially as we get older.
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    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @faithfulsteward7 I'm 5'3 but I have lanky limbs and body proportions, and proportionally longer femurs and over 7 years of trying different techniques I still haven't been able to get used to back squatting. It just feels so awkward no matter what I do, what stance I use, it feels terrible...
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    I'm not fat, I just live in the u.s. (iykyk)

    @dawn16 Your friend probably took American portion sizes with them to Italy
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    When will I stop getting DOMS from leg day?

    @jazideezap True. Caffeine was a major contributor for bad sleep for me. More sleep More food More protein Usually that fixes it.
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    When will I stop getting DOMS from leg day?

    @protorayish Usually if I'm not eating enough protein for recovery I'm aching for days. It's important for proper recovery/muscle repair. But since you seem to be eating enough protein, it could also be that you're just not eating enough in general as well. You could try upping your calories a...