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  1. J

    Is there a 'formula' to help determine the appropriate rep range to use from the 5-30 range for a specific exercise?

    @harley Well yeah because the 20 rep squat program has you lifting a weight with some significant intensity. I've done the 20 rep squat thing. Its....fine. But its more a feat to get through and a concentrated different form of intensity you keep psyching yourself up to can focus your...
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    Is there a 'formula' to help determine the appropriate rep range to use from the 5-30 range for a specific exercise?

    @533th3r I’ll second this. Plus on basically any exercise like high rep Db bench or OHP I can feel confident controlling the weight up to 0RIR and safely bail and dump the weight. 20 rep squats at like…3 reps to go my vision starts creeping in at the edges even if 20 isn’t actually at/near...
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    How to cut while minimizing muscle loss

    @pmichel The most important element in maintaining a muscle in a cut (aside from keep training and hitting protein macros obviously) is pace and time: you are more likely to minimize muscle loss under a 500 calorie deficit for less than 8-10 weeks. If you need to lose more than that amount, take...
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    Is there a 'formula' to help determine the appropriate rep range to use from the 5-30 range for a specific exercise?

    @harley ....what? No, people say high rep squats and dead's aren't generally "great" for hypertrophy because high reps take the limiting factor more off the legs and onto your cardio and core. There's a reason they are called breathing squats. I also don't quite understand why you think higher...
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    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    @tolch I'd say it depends on the machine. Some hammer strength ones or other brands of "plate loaded machines" do seem to bias the lockout. But quite a few its even enough to not make a difference and a few bias the stretch too. Best are the ones with multiple locations to put plates where...
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    Fully Body vs P/P/L does it matter at all?

    @gofthesearching Thanks no problem. I'm a HUGE advocate for your last day in a 5 day or 6 day split all be: quick to knock out can do at home. Fun and broey. The kind of thing you can knock out in 20 minutes shirtless in jeans while cranking Danzig in your garage (or insert whatever equivalent...
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    Fully Body vs P/P/L does it matter at all?

    @gofthesearching Generally 4 days works out best at the low end much better than three days. That's why upper/lower splits tend to be up there as common. I've only seen 3 days work for beginner general strength and quasi minimalist power-lifting. I'd say its totally common add another day to...
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    Overcoming Low Testosterone: My Journey to Improve Health and Fertility

    @blessedyforgiven I’d consider talking to your doctor about sleep apnea. Heavy snoring is a indicator/risk factor
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    Fully Body vs P/P/L does it matter at all?

    @peterjames Gotcha. Yeah I mean I think you're in the realm of basically accepting trade offs for only a 3 day split. Full body days gas you. Doing it as like a 3 day PPL is going to run into either over-hammering a certain muscle group on a single day or being a bit light on volume over the...
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    Anyone have their numbers of muscle to body fat % lost during cuts? How is it regaining lost muscle post cut?

    @gospel4asia This. You lose a lot of fat free mass in a caloric deficit. You have less glycogen in your muscles at the end of a cut. Because glycogen is hydrophilic and how osmosis works, you will carry around significantly less water weight intramuscularly. This is why you usually shoot up...
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    Fully Body vs P/P/L does it matter at all?

    @peterjames I mean yeah if you did 3-4 sets of each of those that be fine and they don't hit all the same muscles. But I'm saying the problem is the opposite. That's good for a single push day for like a PPLPPL split. But you'd be at pretty low weekly volume if that's your only push day doing...
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    Fully Body vs P/P/L does it matter at all?

    @peterjames Most people don't refer to PPL as a 3 day, its a 6 or occasionally a 5 with the 2nd push/pull condensing into an upper day. What you'd be doing is a modified 3 day bro split. In general for beginners and intermediates, as long as you aren't hitting "junk volume" in individual...
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    Podcast Summary: Dr. Mike Israetel on How to Use Carbs to Lose Fat & Build Muscle at the Same Time

    @predrag On the one hand this is overly complicated. On the other hand, Israetel is an actual bodybuilding and sports science coach. He’s often dealing with like….guys at 7% BF trying to get show ready where you’re deep in the diet, everything suck, training drags, you’re getting other effects...
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    Renaissance Periodization - How To ACTUALLY Build Muscle As Fast As Possible

    @massyb Literally the only thing that would require any sort of lifestyle sacrifice would be the 6 days a week. Don’t come at me with the sleep thing. He says 7 hours. Most people who push back on that are neither that busy nor have some sort of sleep disorder, you just have dogshit sleep...
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @losvelle Okay so nobody's answered so I'll take a crack. Hypertrophy, to broadstroke a lot of the literature and theory requires a general proximity near failure and generally more reps in the 5-20+ range. The science of why this is true is a bunch of still debated factors. But outside the...
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    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @jonathanef Check your form and intensity. - Is the down equal or slower than the up? - is it full range or motion, especially all the way out (to dead hang or stretching you to the bottom)? - is form good. Not using momentum or letting other muscle groups assist in bringing up the weight. Not...
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    Programs like 5/3/1 and training for strength VS size

    @muskieman To defend a program I also no longer run and have similar conclusions. Keep in mind 5/3/1 came from a West-side guy who got sick of basically having no athleticism other than waddling up to a bar for a 1RM and wanted to change that. And about 80% of the program is tailored to his...