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  1. G

    I'm still Chris Brown and this is my 2-year progress post about bodyweight training and life!

    @ukubird Yeah man, don't worry, keep on being passionate and chasing it and I think you get to have that shit forever. Not the method necessarily, but the stoke and progression.....and, you know, you will always be a shredder and all that, regardless of how little you do it. I don't get down...
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    I'm still Chris Brown and this is my 2-year progress post about bodyweight training and life!

    @ukubird I get it man, used to do 8 months of snow, 4 months of surf, for decades. Finally started looking for progression in other pursuits, and didn't find my permanent spot in a resort town. I could easily still be there though! Eat it up my friend, it's great shit. Things are good here...
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    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    @tomaszpl What made the most profound positive change for me was /r/zerocarb. It is worth a trial for anyone tired of feeling like shit.
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    I'm still Chris Brown and this is my 2-year progress post about bodyweight training and life!

    @ukubird Dude, awesome. Thanks so much...I've read too much and just need a "do this" for a bit to sort it out. Thanks man! P.S. I had your lifestyle for a couple decades, enjoy that seasonal resort life brother!
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    I'm still Chris Brown and this is my 2-year progress post about bodyweight training and life!

    @ukubird Loved reading this Chris, thanks for writing it up. Great progress in every way man. As an old dude who is 8 months or so into the RR and feeling slow to recover, can you recommend a basic 5 day split based on your experience? Not details, just, you know, the big picture. I'm kinda...
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    One Year Transformation

    @thefearofgod I feel the same way, after a year of a whole lot of learning. I just bought Daniel Vladnal from FitnessFAQs 18 week ring program, and am on week 2. Feels great to move on, I was maxing the RR and not experienced enough to program my own workout, although it didn't stop me from...
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    Just got my first Front Lever

    @00_mary Thank you very much. I haven't tried a DF, I'll have to look into those.
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    One Year Transformation

    @thefearofgod Awesome job my friend, just awesome. What a transformation, and how exciting to get to progress from here, huh? I'm at my one year BWF and fitness anniversary here too, at 46. So stoked we are progressing, great job!
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    Just got my first Front Lever

    @00_mary Thank you so much for this, and great job! I'm 3 years into BWF and shooting for my first FL, and this is exactly what I needed to hear. Did you back down on your other progressions while you focused on your FL? Did you drop pushing entirely during this time, or one day a week...
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    1 year challenge results!

    @paddyaran Fellow 48 YO BWFer here. Awesome work! Loved the video and post, thank you so much for sharing.
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    [Progress Check] 1 year of bwf training. Stronger(ish) ! 1.0

    @snippy I know, right? Also, TIL I don't know how to do a RR progress post.
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    [Progress Check] 1 year of bwf training. Stronger(ish) ! 1.0

    @unbelievable I am putting this on my wall. And I'm gonna go get 'em!
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    [Progress Check] 1 year of bwf training. Stronger(ish) ! 1.0

    @unbelievable Dude, this is my favorite post ever in this sub. Your attitude and spirit are fucking awesome. If we lived near one another I would love to train with you man. Thank you for this, it is starting my day off super positive. Love it man!
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    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    @asha0210 Just another n=1, but for me eliminating carbs solved 4+ decades of crippling depression, among a host of other maladies. My opinion is that the only way to know if it is good for an indivudual's mental health is to try for one's self.