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  1. P

    Can we talk weight gain?

    @pdbcm Seven pounds in one month is not likely all muscle. It could be that CrossFit is increasing your appetite. It could also be water weight, especially if you’re increasing your carbs to support your training. Just make sure you’re eating a good quality diet - good sources of protein...
  2. P


    @lovelylady35 The attendance goal mentioned is a great option. You can also set goals around specific movements, like get double unders, perfect my deadlift form, or practice pull-up negatives 2x a week.
  3. P

    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @kingshellie I’ve been at a CrossFit gym for 12 years and I can’t recall a trainer ever physically touching me or any of the other members when giving cues. If they did it was very minor/not memorable. Now when I take something like Pilates or yoga it does happen on occasion but it’s totally...
  4. P

    CrossFit burnout?

    @bonlin Agree with others saying try something else for a while. CF is great but it’s nice to have other modalities in the mix, or at least some experience with them, especially if you’re a coach, so you can meet people where they are if they’re coming from different types of exercise before...