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    I’m tired of juggling everything and I’m completely burnt out

    @pollyjetix That sucks :( Are you able to sleep the 8 hour average? I do hope you get the sleep you need. I have chronic imsomnia since I was a baby. It used to be a mix of onset, maintenance and early morning insomnia but it progressed to barely sleeping in my late teens, to not being able to...
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    I’m tired of juggling everything and I’m completely burnt out

    @fadeaway If people would learn that more is not better, better is better, we wouldn't be here right now. People eat too much protein (no you don't need to eat 1 grams/lbs or more). People obsess over macro's to the point I wonder if they're some secret professional athlete. People obsess over...
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    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    @adriana28 A pound of fat is 3500 calories. So to gain 3 pounds of fat in a short time frame, you'd need to eat a lot of calories ,10500 calories. That's a lot of surplus calories to eat in a short time frame since you're burning calories too. You're fine. It'll sort itself out when you get...