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  1. F

    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @alflex13 That’s very interesting! Do you notice any specific cravings meeting the time of the month? Like let’s say more red meat as opposed to like fish? Or more carby food?
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @armann I’ve heard of this but never really looked into it! I will research! Thank you!!
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @escapewoman Hahaha yeeeppp I feel ya! I’m about to do the same 😅 it’s cold out too so the coziness of blankets and some show is perfect hahaha
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @dawn16 Do you decrease your workout intensity whatsoever? Like lighter weights? Shorter runs/walks?
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @ecumeni Oooohh! More fat! I hadn’t thought of that! I shall experiment. Thank you so much!
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @sweetkf Oh I like this extra carbs! I will be a little lenient then. Yeap I hate the strength dip and bloating too 😔
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @mohamad Huh. I will definitely look into these supplements!! Thank you!!
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @randalthor1604 I have the same question! 🙋🏻‍♀️
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @sacm Yeah I get weird cravings when I’m on it like I don’t even like chips but yesterday pringles looked pretty good 🤣 thank you so much for sharing your experience with the class!
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @liveinmyheart Yall so lucky 😭 you know now that you mention beef, I have been craving that the past few days!
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    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    @alexthegreatest Oh my god!!! I know!!! It’s just a freakin cycle!!! Hahahha I totally get the one week of normalcy 🤣
  12. F

    Women who don’t bloat / gain weight / feel weak before or during their periods…

    How does it feel to be God’s favorite? lol If y’all exist, what do y’all do differently than most of us? Can you recommend tips? I was working out earlier and I had to check if I had grabbed the right dumbbell because it felt extraaaaaa heavy lol Is it just mind over matter? Drink more...