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    HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

    @rdmarita Male, age 31, 152lb, 5'8 I can do 22 pull-ups I don't know exactly how long I've been training but I think it's been around 3-4 years. I haven't tried recently but my best weighted pullup has been with an extra 100lb I do a lot of rope climbing which I would highly recommend as an...
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    Recommended Routine COMPLETE demonstration video by FitnessFAQs

    @milliekeeling23 I know this gets requested a lot. Thank you for putting this together. If you ever get the chance to tack onto this and add a bit about HSPUs that would be wonderful.
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    Would you guys be down for a 30-day L-sit/V-sit/Manna challenge so we could motivate each other?

    @fromgenesistorevelation Not really big on competitions, but it seems like a good idea to motivate people so it should be done.
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    Weighted Vest Discussion + Help: For those who have owned/used weighted vests in the past which features should be avoided and which are must haves?

    @dinkold I had a vest for awhile and I eventually sold it. One of the big considerations you should have is the size of the arm and neck holes and how they will fit as your body changes shape. I found as my shoulders got more broad and I got bigger lats my vest became really uncomfortable to wear.
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @amacias21 Are you focusing on acrobatics and tumbling? How much if at all do you cross train on other apparatus like straps or chinese pole?
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    Classic handbalancing/calisthenics books in PDF now free online

    @nezumi Handbalancing is a broader, more inclusive term. It includes many different forms of balances on hands and transitions between them. It includes everything from croc, to one arm handstand variations, contortion handstands, partner balancing, planche and presses. A handstand is just...